Danseuse et chorégraphe de formation, j'explore le corps par la danse, mais aussi au travers des arts visuels (dessin, aquarelle, photographie, vidéo...), du chant et de l’écriture. En 2006, à la recherche de la perception de l’origine du geste dans mon corps, j’ai dessiné tous les jours dans des carnets. Ces dessins incarnent un point de départ, matérialisent une réflexion qui a irrigué la suite de mon travail.
Since I am a dancer and choreographer by training I search to understand the human body by dance, but also through the practice of visual arts (drawing, watercolor, photography, video...), singing and writing. In 2006 as I was trying to understand the origin of my body movements I was making daily drawings in my notebook. These drawings explain visually the starting point of my work, as they illustrate how my subsequent thoughts are evolving.